Thursday, October 25, 2012

Uphill battle...jk, jk don't do it...but really it was.

Today Hunter titled this post...and it is very accurate.

Today's CrossFit workout can be found here.

Before the workout I got on in order to map a route of 1000 meters.

Which I did, and which we just finished doing.

It was pretty.

Stats for this workout:

1000 meter run:
(in our case run at the beginning, speed walk in the middle, and run down the hill at the end)

Aliswan: 7:51
Hunter: 7:52

Tabata interval scores:

Aliswan: 10
Hunter: 10

REALLY quick workout but we are both super sweaty.

Happy Thursday!  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We're so hot we are fogging up the windows terribly...

The title of this post comes from Hunter who got after us for fogging up her car windows on the way home from the track tonight.

Hunter and I have a schedule.

Granted we don't always stick to it...and by that I mean we usually don't.

This week has been a bit different though.

Our endurance is slowly building and so we are able to do more things which is great.

Usually the schedule is like this:

Monday and Tuesday: Lafagoga and CrossFit
Wednesday: Lafagoga and running with Erica
Thursday: CrossFit
Friday: CrossFit...maybe.

This week we have been doing really well except when we looked at Tuesday's CrossFit workout we realized that it was a workout that needed to be done on a track.  So we did without CrossFit on Tuesday and did Tuesdays workout this evening on the track.

The workout for Tuesday (but done on Wednesday) can be found here.

We loved it actually and can't wait to do it again.

The times, including the prescribed rests in between the runs, were as follows:

Bug: 28:19
Aliswan: 34:58
Speedy: 41:32
Hunter: 41:36

It was a great workout and we definitely recommend it!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yup I did it again!

45 minutes of Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss and my muscles are not loving me right now but they will! Total stress reliever too cuz of all the deep breathing! LOVE IT!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bring on the Monday!!!

Mondays rock in our apartment.

Especially this one.

Here is a little run down of our Monday:

7am: Lafagoga with Aliswan, Hunter, and Speedy for 65 minutes.

8:45am: Aliswan sprints on her bike to work (I literally cut my time in half)

4:30pm: Aliswan bikes home from work.

This workout was to see how many reps you could do in 25 minutes.

Aliswan & Bug: 21
Hunter & Speedy: 20

We worked our butts off today...literally actually, quite literally.

Woo hoo! Here we go again!

So I did the whole losing the poundage thing and then boom! Super stress with the ex taking me to court, having to relive all the old nightmares and that equaled gaining back 8 of those hard lost pounds back! So, now that my muscles are all rockstars at the whole work "workout" I have to step it up a notch to lose that same weight again plus the rest of the fat cells that have big egos.
 The plan now is to work out 6 days a week and not die. Also, eat healthy meals, and not starve. Pretty simple plan (which are usually the hardest to follow; I give you the Israelites for example).
 Today I did the super awesome TaeBo workout with Billy Banks the original master of sweat and pain. The great part was that it started off with punches and to get a good motivation going I really did visualize someones' face and I was punching the crap out of it! Loved this workout for the difficulty and the therapy!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh the sweaties...

Today Hunter and I kicked our own butts...or elbows seeing as what the workout was today.

CrossFit workout for the day: "Slayer"


Aliswan: 10:38
Hunter: 11:05

Yep, still shaking and super, supersuper sweaty.

Yay for CrossFit!

Also this morning we did a 60 minute lafagoga workout.
(Hunter and my name for morning yoga)

Awesome workout day!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Topping it off

I, Aliswan, have been sick in bed most of the week.

Therefore, no working out.

I couldn't even bike to my class, I had to have my sweet roommate and sister give me a ride.

BUT it was a quick head cold and has pretty much worked itself out.

which means...

Hunter and I did CrossFit Mamas again this morning!!!

This mornings workout was "Britta"


Aliswan: 14:15
Hunter: 16:19

We also spent the morning cleaning, with the rest of our ward volunteers, our new stake center.

It was good times all around.

Friday, October 5, 2012

CrossFit Roomies

This morning Hunter and I did another CrossFit Mamas workout - 2011 CrossFit Games Regional: Workout 6. 

The link is here.

The times were as follows:

Aliswan: 17:23
Hunter: 24:48

Happy Friday!!!

♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lafagoga and CrossFit

Hunter and I have a morning ritual of doing lafoga.

Well, now it is referred to as lafagoga.

We used to do this at 6am...not anymore.

Now we lafagoga at 7am.

Much better.

Today we also decided to set the goal of doing CrossFit Mamas.

Before you get any ideas, Hunter and I are not Mamas...but the website is so awesome!

Today was our first day and we did the "Ruth Anne" option.

It took us:

Aliswan: 49 minutes
Hunter: 52 minutes

Tomorrow, we will do another...we hope.