Saturday, March 3, 2012

Schedule of Pain: Triathlon training

I finally found a swimming buddy!!! For the past two weeks I've been up, ready and swimming at 6 in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Jen may scoff at the time, but I honestly haven't regularly woken up before 8 am since swimming in high school. So HA! Anyway, I've been working out my legs a lot because I'm doing the SUU Indoor Triathlon in March (the 23rd). I won't have any problems with the swim, but it's the bike and the run that I'm worried about, hence the major leg workouts. Here's what I've been doing:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Go to the gym
Run for 25 minutes
(I've been getting 3 1/2 miles on the elliptical)
Bike for 25 minutes
(I've been getting around 7-8 miles)

Tuesday, Thursday
Swim for an hour
(generally 300 warm-up, kick for a while, pull a 100, kick some more, 100 cool down)
Jazz class
(1 hr 45 min of butt-kicking exercise!)

Saturday (optional)
Abs workout at the gym

This is the schedule of pain. I'll record and post my Jazz warm-up as soon as I can, so you can enjoy this wonderful, funny-looking, work out!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Oops...have not been posting.

It has been a bit since I posted, but I HAVE been working out.


This week I have been doing it pretty regularly.

Mondays, and Wednesdays I do yoga in the morning.
I do it until I feel good.
It takes between 30 to 60 minutes to feel good in the morning.
I'm just not a morning person I guess
Tuesdays and Thursdays I do pilates and ballet.
I do it until the dvd's have finished.
Or until I am finished in a tired ball of bones on the floor.
(while listening to the dvd in the background)
If I finish both it takes about 85 minutes.
This week...60 minutes.

I am so tired this week.
Partly because I'm having insomnia problems.
Mostly because I caught a head cold and food makes me nauseous.
No food, no energy, not so keen on the workout.

But I'm hoping I'm on the mend.

Oh! and I walk to class and work everyday.
Which, depending on the day, is between 2.5 and 3.3 miles round trip.

Yep, yep.

♥ ♥ ♥